Personal Training at Above Average is highly individualized, proven, and effective. This is not a one-size-fits-all program; it’s customized for every client. With a focus on strength, flexibility, cardio, and agility, each session is unique to keep you motivated and challenged. Because it’s one-on-one, we’re counting every single sit-up and 10 really means 12. That’s how goals are met and exceeded. Contact us to schedule a time to get started.

Dan Tedtman was featured on Frankly Green Bay. See the interview and get the inside scoop right from Above Average Personal Fitness Systems!
Watch Episode 1 | Watch Episode 2

We’d like to welcome Wiegand Chiropractic to our building! Doctors Sarah F. Wiegand, D.C. and Erik S. Wiegand, D.C., can help you with a wide range of health concerns. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, injury recovery, or improving your overall wellness, they can provide you with the care and support you need. Learn more here!